

  1. Name E5 (E5)
  2. Distancia de sendero 3,050 km, 1,895 millas
  3. Duración en días 150 días
  4. Inicio de sendero Point du Raz (F)
  5. Fin de sendero Verona (I)
  6. Clasificación Traildino LW, Paseo ligero, paseo en entorno campestre

E5, Austria

Atlantic – Lake Constance – Alps – Adriatic

Leading west to east for 3050km, from Point du Raz in Brittany, France across Switzerland, Germany and Austria to end in Verona, Italy.



  • Entering from Germany at Schaffhausen
  • Via Rhenana
  • Joint track with E4, south of Bodensee


  • Start at Bodensee, Bregenz
  • First village is Bregenz, Bodensee, border with Switzerland
  • Bregenz – Hittisau / Hölfele Alm (Same as E4)
  • Last village is Hittisau / Hölfele Alm, border with Germany


  • First village is Staufner Haus am Hochgrat
  • Staufner Haus – Oberstdorf
  • Border with Austria in Allgäuer Alps


  • Entering Austria again
  • Own tracé (Allgäuer Alpen, Lechtaler Alpen, Pitztal, Ötztal)
  • Last village is St. Leonhard, border with Italy


  • Alpi Sarentini
Select some tracks
European long distance path E5
European long distance path E5, France
.Cœur de Bretagne, Mûr de Bretagne - Carhaix, 78km
.De Lanester au Lac de Guerlédan, Saint-Gérand - Mûr-de-Bretagne, 42km
.Cœur de Bretagne, Le Perray - Bonamenay, 6.9km
.De Néal au barrage de la Rance, tracé principal, 67km
.Chemin des Douaniers, Saint-Méloir-des-Ondes - La Rance
Chemin des Douaniers, Mont Saint-Michel - Saint-Méloir-des-Ondes
.Chemin des Douaniers, Mont Saint-Michel - Saint-Méloir-des-Ondes, 48km
.Chemin des Douaniers, Mont Saint-Michel - Saint-Méloir-des-Ondes variante baie, 15km
.d'Avranches au Mont-Saint-Michel, 27km
.de Saint-Pois au Petit-Celland, 22km
.de Bagnoles-de-l'Orne à Saint-Pois, 89km
.de Versailles à Verneuil, 166km
.de Paris à Versailles, 30km
.(no name), 11km
.(no name), 74km
.(no name), 29km
.(no name), 68km
.(no name), 234km
.(no name), 31km
.Via Francigena France 04, Clairvaux - Perrancey-les-Vieux-Moulins, 75km
.Des Vosges aux Pyrénées 01, Ballon d'Alsace - Perrancey-les-Vieux-Moulins, 225km
.E5, Ballon d'Alsace - Montreux-Château, 41km
.E5, Montreux-Château - Réchésy, 21km
.E5 Réchésy - Liebsdorf, 13km
.Vosges -Rectangle jaune , Liebsdorf - Lucelle, 9.9km
European long distance path E5, France, south variant
.De Josselin à Redon, 85km
.Du Mont-Saint-Michel à La Grande Brière - partie 8, 57km
.Du Mont-Saint-Michel à La Grande Brière - partie 9, 24km
.La Loire sauvage à pied, 88km
.(no name), 86km
.Voie de Vézelay, Vézelay - La Charité-sur-Loire, 94km
.Voie de Vézelay, Saint-Moré - Vézelay, 16km
.Voie de Vézelay, Auxerre - Saint-Moré, 41km
.Voie de Vézelay, Tonnerre - Auxerre, 43km
.Voie de Vézelay, Bar-sur-Seine - Tonnerre, 62km
.E5, Ballon d'Alsace - Réchésy via Belfort, 74km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E5, Schweiz, 231km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E5, Deutschland, 53km
.[E4/E5] Europäischer Fernwanderweg Rhein bis Grenze D, 61km
.Europäischer Fernwanderweg E5, Österreich Tirol, 84km
.Sentiero Europeo E5, Italia, 306km
Europäischer Fernwanderweg E5, Österreich, 138km
Eijsden-Margraten E5, 9.2km
(no name), 2.9km
(no name), 7.5km
Ortswanderweg Erlenbach 5, 1.8km
(旧)东部郊野径大鹏坳段, 10km


Map European Long Distance Trail E5


De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Across the eastern alps: E5 | Cicerone
  • From Lake Constance in Germany, this guidebook describes walking the E5 trek that runs 600km through a remarkable kaleidoscope of landscapes and culture in Switzerland, Austria and Italy, to its destination at Verona. It traverses the Allgauer, Lechtaler and Ötztaler Alps. There is a good network of alpine refuges and guesthouses on the route. Leer más
The Book Depository
United Kingdom
  • Trekking in the Alps
  • An inspirational guidebook to 20 classic treks in the Alps. As well as introducing new hiking areas in the Alps, classics such as the Tour of Mont Blanc, and Chamonix to Zermatt are included. Trekking in the Alps is immensely satisfying, and this book celebrates the rich and scenic diversity for which this great mountain range is renowned. Leer más
  • Also available from:
  • Bol.com, Netherlands
  • Bol.com, Belgium
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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  • Trekking in the Alps
  • An inspirational guide to the delights of Alpine multi-day hikes. With 20 hikes described, including classics such as the Tour of Mont Blanc and the Tour of the Vanoise as well as new multi-day routes like the Traverse of the Slovenian Alps, this guide celebrates the rich scenic diversity for which the Alps are renowned.The eight talented... Leer más
  • Trekking in the Alps
  • An inspirational guide to the delights of Alpine multi-day hikes. With 20 hikes described, including classics such as the Tour of Mont Blanc and the Tour of the Vanoise as well as new multi-day routes like the Traverse of the Slovenian Alps, this guide celebrates the rich scenic diversity for which the Alps are renowned.The eight talented... Leer más
De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Trekking in the Alps | Cicerone
  • An inspirational guidebook to 20 classic treks in the Alps. As well as introducing new hiking areas in the Alps, classics such as the Tour of Mont Blanc, and Chamonix to Zermatt are included. Trekking in the Alps is immensely satisfying, and this book celebrates the rich and scenic diversity for which this great mountain range is renowned. Leer más
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  • Fernwanderweg E5
  • Der E5 zeigt auf den 600 km vom Bodensee quer ber die Alpen nach Verona viele Gesichter: saftige Wiesen, felsige berg nge, m chtige Gletscher und mediterranes Flair. Leer más
  • Also available from:
  • Bol.com, Belgium
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  • Fernwanderweg E5
  • Der E5 zeigt auf den 600 km vom Bodensee quer ber die Alpen nach Verona viele Gesichter: saftige Wiesen, felsige berg nge, m chtige Gletscher und mediterranes Flair. Leer más
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  • UAE Rock Climbing
  • For the last fifteen years, expatriate climbers have been developing cliffs in the United Arab Emirates and North-West Oman. None of the climbing has previously been documented in print. Though easily accessible by 1-3 hours driving from the ultra-modern Gulf cities - Abu Dhabi and Dubai - the cliffs are located in unique and remote desert and... Leer más
  • Also available from:
  • Bol.com, Belgium
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  • UAE Rock Climbing
  • For the last fifteen years, expatriate climbers have been developing cliffs in the United Arab Emirates and North-West Oman. None of the climbing has previously been documented in print. Though easily accessible by 1-3 hours driving from the ultra-modern Gulf cities - Abu Dhabi and Dubai - the cliffs are located in unique and remote desert and... Leer más
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United Kingdom
  • Lake Constance to Verona - E5 European Long-Distance Trail Kompass 2558
  • The 601km eastern half of Europe’s E5 long distance footpaths from Lake Constance across the Austrian Alps to Verona on a waterproof and tear-resistant, contoured and GPS compatible concertina map from Kompass presenting the route on 40 panels, each 17.5x20cm. Plus accommodations recommendations and street plans.The route is highlighted on maps... Leer más
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 2558 Europäischer Fernwanderweg E5 | Kompass
  • Ideal für die Planung und für unterwegs! • Übersichtliche Karten im idealen Maßstab 1:50 000 • Handliches Format 100 x 175 mm • Reiß- und wetterfestes Papier – ideal für jede Witterung • Kompakte Reiseführer-Infos zu den Highlights am Weg und Übernachtungsverzeichnis • Extra Stadtpläne mit Infos zu Apotheken, Geldautomaten, Werkstätten usw. Leer más
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United Kingdom
  • Bregenz F&B
  • Indexed street plan of Bregenz extending north along the Bodensee coast to Lochau and Unter Hochsteg. Detail includes pedestrianised areas, railways, bus routes and cycle paths. Notable buildings are highlighted in red, and symbols indicate post offices, hostels, campsites and car parks.On the reverse is a 1:50,000 contoured map of the... Leer más
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