International Appalachian Trail
- Name International Appalachian Trail (IAT)
- Distancia de sendero 3,058 km, 1,900 millas
- Duración en días 153 días
- Inicio de sendero Mount Katahdin
- Fin de sendero Crow Head
- Clasificación Traildino SW, Caminata extenuante, sendero de montaña
- Clasificación Travesía de refugios T2, Caminata de montaña
The International Appalachian Trail extends the famous Appalachian Trail to the North, into Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador. Following the spine of the Appalachian Mountains from Mount Katahdin in Maine to Crow Head in Newfoundland/Labrador, the IAT/SIA is a 1900 mile (3058 km) journey and is "a showcase of breathtaking mountain scenery, pastoral countryside, and rugged coastline".
The trail keeps growing, by the way. "The Appalachians continue as the Caledonides in Greenland, the islands of the North Atlantic (Faroes, Shetlands, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales) and onto Norway", says the IAT / SIA home page. Recently, Greenland joined the Chapter of the International Appalachian Trail. Will the IAT / SIA become the first pan-European-American hiking trail?
Guías y mapas
Operadores turísticos

- LE Americhe in Scala 1
- In viaggio: da New York a Buenos Aires. Prima tappa: Penn Station. Ultima tappa: Retiro. Ma mica diretto, no. Molte tappe di approssimazione successiva collegate da treni autobus e traghetti, tutti mezzi pubblici sia ben chiaro, magari anche qualche tratta a piedi. Perche se e l'Altra America che voglio conoscere, tanto vale che cominci da... Leer más
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- LE Americhe in Scala 1
- In viaggio: da New York a Buenos Aires. Prima tappa: Penn Station. Ultima tappa: Retiro. Ma mica diretto, no. Molte tappe di approssimazione successiva collegate da treni autobus e traghetti, tutti mezzi pubblici sia ben chiaro, magari anche qualche tratta a piedi. Perche se e l'Altra America che voglio conoscere, tanto vale che cominci da... Leer más

United Kingdom
- Hiking Maine's Baxter State Park
- A Guide to the Park's Greatest Hiking Adventures Including Mount Katahdin Leer más
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- Hiking Maine's Baxter State Park
- From Grand Pitch on remote Webster Stream to the blueberry covered summit of The Sentinel to dozens of waterfalls and swimming holes on Howe Brook, Hiking Maine's Baxter State Park is your source for detailed hike descriptions, maps, and color photos for Baxter State Park's best hikes. Also included are iconic routes up Katahdin, easy walks to... Leer más

- Hiking Maine's Baxter State Park
- From Grand Pitch on remote Webster Stream to the blueberry covered summit of The Sentinel to dozens of waterfalls and swimming holes on Howe Brook, Hiking Maine's Baxter State Park is your source for detailed hike descriptions, maps, and color photos for Baxter State Park's best hikes. Also included are iconic routes up Katahdin, easy walks to... Leer más

- VI Racconto Come Sono Diventato Ricco
- Se sei felice sei ricco, puoi essere felice anche con poche cose. La vera ricchezza e dentro di te, nel tuo cuore. Non esiste un cuore che non sia ricco. Devi semplicemente vederlo; ti devi vedere ricco e improvvisamente lo sarai. E un miracolo. Non aspettare di avere qualcosa per essere felice, siilo subito, poiche hai gia tutto. La tua... Leer más
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- VI Racconto Come Sono Diventato Ricco
- Se sei felice sei ricco, puoi essere felice anche con poche cose. La vera ricchezza e dentro di te, nel tuo cuore. Non esiste un cuore che non sia ricco. Devi semplicemente vederlo; ti devi vedere ricco e improvvisamente lo sarai. E un miracolo. Non aspettare di avere qualcosa per essere felice, siilo subito, poiche hai gia tutto. La tua... Leer más

- When It Clicks
- When It Clicks grabs for the heart of extreme readers, those who know that reading is a sport and who demand to be stunned with every turn of the page. Through the voice of the engaging, girl-next-door turned adventurer, the reader is pulled into the moment, whether that moment is staring into the steaming nostrils of a wild beast climbing... Leer más
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- When It Clicks
- When It Clicks grabs for the heart of extreme readers, those who know that reading is a sport and who demand to be stunned with every turn of the page. Through the voice of the engaging, girl-next-door turned adventurer, the reader is pulled into the moment, whether that moment is staring into the steaming nostrils of a wild beast climbing... Leer más