Slieve Felim Way
- Name Slieve Felim Way
- Distancia de sendero 43 km, 27 millas
- Duración en días 2 días
- Inicio de sendero Murroe
- Fin de sendero Silvermines
- Clasificación Traildino MW, Caminata moderada, sendero de mochileros
- Clasificación Travesía de refugios T1, Caminata
Slieve Felim Way, Murroe - Silvermines, 43 km, 2 days
The Slieve Felim Mountains is a loosely formed group of mountains in the countries Limerick and Tipperary. The trail goes up and down over several ridges offering nice views over the broad valleys. The hills were covered with heather, and still are at the highest places, but many of the slopes have been planted with conifers. Overall the trail offers enough diversity. When almost done, one has the option to climb Keeper Hill, 694 meters, offering good views. Beyond the last valley lies Silvermines.
Beware: accommodation en route is lacking.
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☐Slieve Felim Way, 44km