Lung Way
- Name Lung Way
- Distancia de sendero 40 km, 25 millas
- Duración en días 2 días
- Inicio de sendero Loughlynn
- Fin de sendero Ballinafad
- Clasificación Traildino EW, Paseo fácil, sendero en la naturaleza
Lung Way, Loughlynn - Ballinafad, approx. 40 km, 2 days
Not much to say here. The Lung Way is planned for completion in 2013. But there is no sign of life yet. Probably the trail will run from Loughlynn straight to the Lough Gara lakes, hidden in an open and flat rural landscape. The islands in the lakes are man made and date back to the Iron Age. Most likely the trail will then follow River Lung to the village of Ballinafad, on the shore of Lough Arrow.
The Lung Way currently is one of the missing links of the Beara Breinfe Way, that one time will connect the Atlantic coast to the Ulster border.