Ortenauer Weinpfad
- Name Ortenauer Weinpfad
- Distancia de sendero 99 km, 62 millas
- Duración en días 5 días
- Inicio de sendero Gernsbach
- Fin de sendero Diersburg
- Clasificación Traildino LW, Paseo ligero, paseo en entorno campestre
Ortenauer Weinpfad, Gernsbach - Diersburg, 99 km, 5 days
This is the northernmost of the three Wine Ways the Schwarzwalverein has created along the western edge of the Black Forest, in the plains of the Middle Rhine.
The walk starts in the historic town of Gernsbach, built against the slopes of a hill. Walking south, you will visit many more old historical towns.
The walk is not really flat. The trail follows the foothills of the Black Forest, and alternates through vineyards and wooded hills, before descending to yet another small town. There you will undoubtedly find one or more local Weingut (wineries) where you can relax while enjoying the local wines.
The Ortenauer wine is said to be the best of German red wines , including Clevner (Roter Traminer), a specialty. The Riesling - "Klingelberger" - is very tasty too.