- Name Diemelsteig
- Distancia de sendero 63 km, 39 millas
- Duración en días 3 días
- Inicio de sendero Heringhausen
- Fin de sendero Heringhausen
- Clasificación Traildino EW, Paseo fácil, sendero en la naturaleza
Diemelsteig, circular trail starting and ending in Heringhausen, 63 km, 3 days
This path runs through the hills and forests of Sauerland in Hessen. The start is at the Diemelsee, a lovely small natural lake. The path goes up and down through forests and fields, offering good views. The path received the predicate “Qualitätsweg Wanderbares Deutschland”. You can be confident that it is well marked and maintained, and picks the best parts of the countryside.