Voie Littorale
- Name Voie Littorale
- Distancia de sendero 370 km, 230 millas
- Duración en días 15 días
- Inicio de sendero Pointe de Grave
- Fin de sendero Bayonne
- Clasificación Traildino LW, Paseo ligero, paseo en entorno campestre

Voie Littorale, Pointe de Grave (Gironde) - Bayonne / Irun, 370 km, 15 days
A new coastal route to Santiago de Compostela has been marked along the French coast, from the mouth of the Gironde (just south of Bretagne) to the Spanish border at Hendaye. This trail can be used as a substitute for the European Long Distance Path E9 that has never been adopted fully in this region.
Expect lots of forests, a bit dull, lots of tourist resorts, and a great many tourists. Of course, there are beautiful stretches as well. The atlantic coastline has it’s charms.
It’s better to avoid July and August. In winter, most hotels are closed.
Visit Traildino's overview page for the Way of Saint James / Camino de Santiago.
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☐(no name), 91km