Tour du Morvan
- Name Tour du Morvan
- Distancia de sendero 232 km, 144 millas
- Duración en días 12 días
- Inicio de sendero Avallon
- Fin de sendero Avallon
- Clasificación Traildino MW, Caminata moderada, sendero de mochileros
- Clasificación Travesía de refugios T1, Caminata
Tour du Morvan, 220 km
The circular trail in the Regional parc of the Morvan visites the six main lakes for which the region is renowned. Several variants are possible. The trail covers the best parts of the Morvan, including the summit of Mont Beuvray (821m), the very place where, in 52 BC, Vercingetorix was proclaimed head of the Gauls.
Alternatively, one can walk the GR13, running north-south. This is a different trail alltogether.