Isle of Man
The Isle of Man lies halfway between England and Northern Ireland. The island measures about 20 by 50 km. The island offers several hiking trails, the best known of which is Raad ny Foillan or Way of the Gull or Isle of Man Coastal Path, a 150km path around the coast.
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Guías y mapas
Operadores turísticos
- Also available from:
- Stanfords, United Kingdom
- De Zwerver, Netherlands

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- The Solent, Isle of Wight, Southampton & Portsmouth OS Landranger Map 196 (paper)
- Isle of Wight with the Southampton - Portsmouth area, including part of the New Forest National Park and a section of the E9 European Long-distance Path, on a paper version of map No. 196 from the Ordnance Survey’s Landranger series at 1:50,000, with contoured and GPS compatible topographic mapping plus tourist information.MOBILE DOWNLOADS: As... Leer más
- Also available from:
- Stanfords, United Kingdom
- De Zwerver, Netherlands

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- Isle of Man OS Landranger Map 95 (paper)
- Paper version of map No. 95 from the Ordnance Survey’s Landranger series at 1:50,000, with contoured and GPS compatible topographic mapping plus tourist information.MOBILE DOWNLOADS: As well as the physical edition of the map, each Landranger title now includes a code for downloading after purchase its digital version onto your smartphone or... Leer más
- Also available from:
- Stanfords, United Kingdom
- De Zwerver, Netherlands

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- Isle of Man OS Landranger Active Map 95 (waterproof)
- Waterproof and tear-resistant OS Active version of map No. 95 from the Ordnance Survey’s Landranger series at 1:50,000, with contoured and GPS compatible topographic mapping plus tourist information.MOBILE DOWNLOADS: As well as the physical edition of the map, each Landranger title now includes a code for downloading after purchase its digital... Leer más

The Book Depository
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- The Big Rounds
- Running and walking the Bob Graham, Paddy Buckley and Charlie Ramsay Rounds Leer más
- Also available from:
- De Zwerver, Netherlands

De Zwerver
- Wandelgids The Big Rounds | Cicerone
- Guidebook to walking and running the 'Big Rounds' - The Bob Graham, the Charlie Ramsay and the Paddy Buckley. Includes practical information and advice, notes on access and environmental impact, tales from the Rounds, plus insights and strategies from the likes of Jasmin Paris, Nicky Spinks, Charlie Ramsay, Jim Mann and Paddy Buckley. Leer más
- Rund Um Die Annapurna - Nepal Trekking Meines Lebens
- Vier Wochen Trekking in Nepal. Als besonderes Geschenk für ihren Mann gedacht, wird die Annapurna-Umrundung für Katrin Voigt das Trekking-Erlebnis ihres Lebens. Gemeinsam mit Prem, ihrem nepalesischen Guide, wandern die beiden von Lodge zu Lodge, zum Tilicho Lake, zum Ice Lake, über den Pass Thorong La, durch das Kali Gandaki Tal und auf den... Leer más
- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- Rund Um Die Annapurna - Nepal Trekking Meines Lebens
- Vier Wochen Trekking in Nepal. Als besonderes Geschenk für ihren Mann gedacht, wird die Annapurna-Umrundung für Katrin Voigt das Trekking-Erlebnis ihres Lebens. Gemeinsam mit Prem, ihrem nepalesischen Guide, wandern die beiden von Lodge zu Lodge, zum Tilicho Lake, zum Ice Lake, über den Pass Thorong La, durch das Kali Gandaki Tal und auf den... Leer más
- The Gringo Trail
- "… there I was in the middle of Bogotá, coked up to my eyeballs, in a hallway holding two machetes, while some drunk Colombians argued about whether or not to blow up a bar with a live hand grenade…'Asia has the hippie trail. South America has the gringo trail. Mark Mann and his girlfriend Melissa set off to explore the ancient monuments,... Leer más
- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- The Gringo Trail
- "… there I was in the middle of Bogotá, coked up to my eyeballs, in a hallway holding two machetes, while some drunk Colombians argued about whether or not to blow up a bar with a live hand grenade…'Asia has the hippie trail. South America has the gringo trail. Mark Mann and his girlfriend Melissa set off to explore the ancient monuments,... Leer más
- 100 Hikes in Utah
- * Includes both day hikes and multi-day backpacking trails in Utah * Hikes for all skill levels * Part of the popular 100 Hikes in series Native Utah outdoorsmen Steve Mann and Rhett Olson have hiked end to end throughout the state. Now their top 100 trails are yours for the discovering. In 100 Hikes in Utah you'll find trails in the Wasatch... Leer más
- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- 100 Hikes in Utah
- * Includes both day hikes and multi-day backpacking trails in Utah * Hikes for all skill levels * Part of the popular 100 Hikes in series Native Utah outdoorsmen Steve Mann and Rhett Olson have hiked end to end throughout the state. Now their top 100 trails are yours for the discovering. In 100 Hikes in Utah you'll find trails in the Wasatch... Leer más

The Book Depository
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- Isle of Man Coastal Path
- Raad Ny Foillan - The Way of the Gull; The Millennium and Herring Ways Leer más
- Also available from:
-, Netherlands
-, Belgium
- De Zwerver, Netherlands
- Isle of Man Coastal Path
- This handy guidebook describes the 98 mile Isle of Man coastal path, Raad ny Foillan. The route never strays far from the sea and boasts spectacular scenery, from rugged sea cliffs and mountain moorland to beaches and glens. The Raad ny Foillan path can be completed in about a week. The Milennium Way and the Herring Way are also described. Leer más
- Isle of Man Coastal Path
- This handy guidebook describes the 98 mile Isle of Man coastal path, Raad ny Foillan. The route never strays far from the sea and boasts spectacular scenery, from rugged sea cliffs and mountain moorland to beaches and glens. The Raad ny Foillan path can be completed in about a week. The Milennium Way and the Herring Way are also described. Leer más

De Zwerver
- Wandelgids Walking guide Isle of Man Coastal Path | Cicerone
- Guidebook to walking the Isle of Man coastal path, the Way of the Gull (Raad ny Foillan). The spectacular 98 mile route is described in 9 stages and takes in beaches, glens, moorland and rugged sea cliffs. It can be walked in around a week. Two other paths, the Millennium Way (Bayr ny Ree) and the Herring Way (Bayr ny Skeddan), are also described. Leer más
- Eifel Mehrtagestouren
- Das wilde Kylltal, die waldgrüne Karsteifel mit dem riesigen Radioteleskop auf dem Effelsberg, die Sauertalschleife, der liebliche Lieserpfad, durchs Hohe Venn auf Belgiens höchsten Berg (694 m), der Eifelstieg einmal anders, ein Gipfelsturm auf die Hohe Acht, Tour d'europe nach Luxemburg hinein, der Rotweinwanderweg auf unbekannten Umwegen und... Leer más
- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- Eifel Mehrtagestouren
- Das wilde Kylltal, die waldgrüne Karsteifel mit dem riesigen Radioteleskop auf dem Effelsberg, die Sauertalschleife, der liebliche Lieserpfad, durchs Hohe Venn auf Belgiens höchsten Berg (694 m), der Eifelstieg einmal anders, ein Gipfelsturm auf die Hohe Acht, Tour d'europe nach Luxemburg hinein, der Rotweinwanderweg auf unbekannten Umwegen und... Leer más
- The Isle of Man
- The scope for walking on the Isle of Man is considerable. Being an island, and a smallish one at that, many walks touch upon the coastline at some point, and it is probably true to say that on every walk in this book you can see the sea at some stage, ensuring that each of the walks has its own very distinctive flavour. The guide includes: 40... Leer más
- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- The Isle of Man
- The scope for walking on the Isle of Man is considerable. Being an island, and a smallish one at that, many walks touch upon the coastline at some point, and it is probably true to say that on every walk in this book you can see the sea at some stage, ensuring that each of the walks has its own very distinctive flavour. The guide includes: 40... Leer más
- United Kingdom
- Waterproof Tear-Resistant Travel MapNational Geographic's United Kingdom AdventureMap is designed to meet the needs of adventure travelers with its durability and detailed, accurate information. This map includes the locations of cities and towns with a user-friendly index, a clearly marked road network complete with distances and... Leer más
- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- De Zwerver, Netherlands
- United Kingdom
- Waterproof Tear-Resistant Travel MapNational Geographic's United Kingdom AdventureMap is designed to meet the needs of adventure travelers with its durability and detailed, accurate information. This map includes the locations of cities and towns with a user-friendly index, a clearly marked road network complete with distances and... Leer más

De Zwerver
- Wegenkaart - landkaart 3325 Adventure Map United Kingdom - Verenigd Koninkrijk - Engeland | National Geographic
- Waterproof Tear-Resistant Travel MapNational Geographic's United Kingdom AdventureMap is designed to meet the needs of adventure travelers with its durability and detailed, accurate information. This map includes the locations of cities and towns with a user-friendly index, a clearly marked road network complete with distances and... Leer más
- Regionale Identitat Im Fuball Am Beispiel Des FC Liverpool
- Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Sport - Sportsoziologie, Note: 2,0, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (Sportwissenschaft), Veranstaltung: Sport und regionale Identität, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 'When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high and don´t be afraid of the dark. At the end of a storm, there´s a golden... Leer más
- Also available from:
-, Belgium
- Regionale Identitat Im Fuball Am Beispiel Des FC Liverpool
- Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Sport - Sportsoziologie, Note: 2,0, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (Sportwissenschaft), Veranstaltung: Sport und regionale Identität, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 'When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high and don´t be afraid of the dark. At the end of a storm, there´s a golden... Leer más

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- Admiralty Chart 2696 - Plans in the Isle of Man
- NEW EDITION OUT ON 01/08/2019Plans included in this chart:A Douglas Bay 1:7,500B Ramsey Bay 1:10,000C Castletown Bay 1:20,000D Calf Sound 1:10,000E Peel 1:10,000F Port Erin 1:10,000G Bay Ny Carrickey 1:20,000Admiralty standard nautical charts comply with Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) regulations and are ideal for professional, commercial and... Leer más

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- ADMIRALTY Leisure Folio SC 5613 - Irish Sea, Eastern Part including Isle of Man
- NEW EDITION OUT ON 10/09/2020Irish Sea - Eastern Part including Isle of Man Chart Pack is a leisure folio of forty two admiralty charts, recognized by the MCA as meeting UK national chart carriage requirements for fishing vessels under 24m and for MCA coded vessels under 24m.Folio includes:1 - Great Ormes Head to Haveraig Point 1:200,000 56132... Leer más

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- Isle of Man 1874
- Map No. 95, Isle of Man 1874, in the Cassini Historical Series of old Ordnance Survey mapping of England and Wales at 1:50,000 in a format designed to offer a convenient comparison with the present day coverage from the OS, and most locations in three different editions. Old historical maps have been combined so that the sheet lines correspond... Leer más

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- Isle of Man 1921
- Map No. 95, Isle of Man 1925, in the Cassini Historical Series of old Ordnance Survey mapping of England and Wales at 1:50,000 in a format designed to offer a convenient comparison with the present day coverage from the OS, and most locations in three different editions. Old historical maps have been combined so that the sheet lines correspond... Leer más

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- Lónsöræfi - Snæfell
- Lónsöræfi - Snæfell area of Iceland at 1:100,000 in a series of detailed hiking and recreational topographic maps from Mál og menning - the country`s leading cartographic publishers, with beautiful drawings of local birds and tourist information. An enlargement shows the Snæfell area in greater detail at 1:50,000.The maps in this series... Leer más
- Also available from:
- De Zwerver, Netherlands

De Zwerver
- Wandelkaart 06 Serkort Lónsöræfi - Snæfell - IJsland | Mal og Menning
- De wandelkaartenserie van Mal og Menning is bijzonder duidelijk en geschikt voor alle recreatieve doeleinden, ze zijn gebaseerd op de topografische kaarten van IJsland. De kaart laat een gedetailleerd beeld zien van de landschapskenmerken, hoogtelijnen op basis van 20 m. met hoogtepunten apart vermeld. Verschil in kleur en symbolen geven een... Leer más

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- ADMIRALTY Leisure Folio SC 5613 - Irish Sea, Eastern Part including Isle of Man SUPERCEDED
- NEW EDITION OUT ON 10/09/2020Irish Sea - Eastern Part including Isle of Man Chart Pack is a leisure folio of forty two admiralty charts, recognized by the MCA as meeting UK national chart carriage requirements for fishing vessels under 24m and for MCA coded vessels under 24m.Folio includes:1 - Great Ormes Head to Haveraig Point 1:200,000 56132... Leer más

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- 2000 Plus England: 254 Summits over 2000ft.
- The 2000 Plus map of England showing summits over 2000ft (609.6m), together with markings for subsidiary tops and minor summits, combining them into 16 groups listed with full details and presented with mountain profiles.The main map at 1:250,000 shows the Pennines, with three insets at 1:350,000 covering the Peak District, Dartmoor and the... Leer más

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
- Ordnance Survey Landranger Maps: Complete Set
- OS Landranger maps at 1:50 000 scale show all the main landscape features - roads, settlements, terrain and points of interest. This bundle covers the whole of Great Britain in a 204 map set, which includes the British Mainland, Scottish Islands and Isle of Man. Leer más