Slí Gaeltacht Mhúscrai
- Name Slí Gaeltacht Mhúscrai
- Distancia de sendero 70 km, 44 millas
- Duración en días 4 días
- Inicio de sendero Kealkil An Chaolchaoill
- Fin de sendero Millstreet
- Clasificación Traildino MW, Caminata moderada, sendero de mochileros
- Clasificación Travesía de refugios T1, Caminata
Slí Gaeltacht Mhúscrai, Kealkil An Chaolchaoill - Millstreet, approx 70 km, 4 days
This trail explores valleys and mountain of west Cork. The mountains are partly forested, elsewhere they offer bare moorland. The views over the mountains and lakes of Kerry and Cork are very good. The climbs are interspersed with valley walks through rural areas. Some stages are quite lonely, with little or no services.
The Slí Gaeltacht Mhúscrai is the second part of the Beara Breifne Way, next to the Beara Way. From Millford the path continues as North Cork Way.