Alsenztal Wanderweg


  1. Name Alsenztal Wanderweg
  2. Distancia de sendero 58 km, 36 millas
  3. Duración en días 3 días
  4. Inicio de sendero Source of the Alsenz
  5. Fin de sendero End of the Alsenz in the Nahe
  6. Clasificación Traildino EW, Paseo fácil, sendero en la naturaleza

Alsenztal Wanderweg

58 km, 3 days

This short (3-4 days) walk takes us through the Alsenztal, a river valley running through the northern part of the Pfälzerwald in the Southwest of Germany. The trail starts at the source of the Alsenz and follows itsentire course to the point where it ends in the Nahe. Alternately, the trail chooses the river banks or the hills high up. From the open hillsides, one has good views. Elsewhere, we will walk through tall forests or pass villages and vineyards. It is a simple but varied walk along woodland paths and country roads.


  1. Anular