

  1. Name Rhein-Rureifel-Weg (HWW12)
  2. Distancia de sendero 127 km, 79 millas
  3. Duración en días 7 días
  4. Inicio de sendero Brohl-Lützing
  5. Fin de sendero Monschau
  6. Clasificación Traildino EW, Paseo fácil, sendero en la naturaleza


Rhein-Rureifel-Weg, Hauptwanderweg 12 Eifelverein, HWW12, Brohl-Lützing – Monschau, 127 km, 7 days

This main trail (HWW) of the Eifelverein connects the Rhine with the lake landscape of the Rureifel. It runs east-west, through the central parts of the Eifel, the mountain area in the West of Germany bordering on Belgium and Luxembourg. The trail calls on important sights as Maria Laach, the Hocheifel, Hohe Acht (highest summit, 747 m), the source of the Ahr, the Fuhrtsbachtal (daffodil meadows bloomsing in April) and finally Monschau.

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Rhein-Venn-Weg, 145km


  1. Anular